Frequently Asked Questions
- Where will we sleep? What about the odors? Is it best to leave?
- We will only be painting a few rooms/areas at a time. If we complete your room before we leave for the day, then by all means you can sleep there. Some types of enamel paints will take much longer to dry (3-4 hours, or overnight) than regular ceiling/wall paints which typically take (30 to 90 minutes). As far as the primer/paint odors they will linger from 2 to 5 days (lessening each day) depending on how sensitive you are. It would be best to ask your doctor ahead of time if you have any questions, or are not sure. There are Low-Odor paints we can use! Ask to see if they are available for your specific job.
- What do we have to take down and move ahead of time before the painters arrive?
- We will move and/or cover the heavy items/furniture. If you would please remove the small, light, and breakables items from tables, desks and the like, and place them in safe area where we are not working. Hutches will need to be empty if we are to move them, and bookshelves will need to be empty to paint inside them.
- What about our current pictures, painting, art, etc. and their hangers?
- It will be up to you to take down, store and put back all pictures and paintings. (Heavy items we can help you with) You can mark the nails, screws, and hooks with low-tack-tape, post-it-notes that you wish removed. The nails, screws, and hooks not tagged will remain to be painted around and or over. The tagged hangers will be removed by us, holes patched, (textured if needed) primed and finish painted. Or, we will remove all hangers, and we will patch them all. Are you getting new curtains, blinds? Do the old rods need to be removed, and the holes patched? Let us know.
- Why do I care if my painting contractor uses “high quality” paint? I thought all paint was the same?
- After you’ve gone through the effort of researching reputable contractors to provide you with bids and you’ve decided to make the investment of time and money to have the work performed correctly, don’t let the temptation of potential savings on material costs ruin the quality and longevity of your project.
All paint may look the same in the can, but that’s where the similarities end. High quality paints utilize better ingredients and less fillers which equates to a longer-lasting paint job. Low quality exterior paints tend to chalk, fade, peel, and crack – whereas higher-end products will stay looking beautiful and protect your home for much longer; and are backed by a better manufacturer’s warranty. Low quality interior paints don’t cover as well – causing the contractor to use more material to complete the job. If you’re someone who likes to keep their walls clean, low quality interior paints tend to scuff easily and not wash well, and they typically having a stronger odor that lingers in your home during the curing process, which can take as long as 30-days.
If you want the best value for your money, don’t let your contractor talk you into skimping on the paint quality just so they can give you a lower bid and come back sooner to paint your house again.
- What if I have some changes that I would like to make or additional work that I would like to have the crew take care of while they’re already at my home?
- We encourage you to feel free to talk with your estimator, crew leader, or project manager if you have changes that you would like to make or additional work that you would like to have completed. In most cases it is more cost-effective for us to issue Change Orders or Additional Work Orders during the course of the project than for us to come back after the project is complete. We are always happy to accommodate your requests!
- What if I need help in selecting colors?
- We have provided an extensive selection of resources for you to access on our Color Selection page to assist you in selecting your colors. From apps for your smart phone to free virtual painting software that allows you to paint digital photos of your home to discounted professional design services through our partnership program; we have all the solutions to your color dilemmas.
- Why not accept the lowest price bid for my paint project?
- While it’s very tempting to take the low bid, it may not be the best idea. Most paint estimators base their price on the cost of materials plus the cost of labor with overhead and profit. If you go with the lowest bid, then you are paying less for the materials and/or you are paying for less labor. That means the low bidder may be taking short cuts to cut costs, such as not prepping adequately or using lesser quality products. As in almost everything else, when it comes to your paint project, you’ll get what you pay for.
- How will you protect my belongings from paint splatter and overspray?
- Great care is taken to make sure your furniture and belongings are protected. We cover all flooring with drop cloths, paper and/or plastic. All furniture and belongings are covered with plastic and/or drop cloths.